Our Story

In March 2015, God placed a vision in Prophet David Brown's heart to form For His Glory Global Ministries (FHG).  FHG is an independent and growing church. We started with a small group of people who came together out of a shared desire to create a different kind of church—a church that was not defined by traditional programs of service, but by a group of people living out the truth of God’s Word by modeling grace, and by loving and serving others.  Here at FHG, we believe that WE are the church. We strive to represent Christ to everyone we meet, wherever and whenever we are provided the opportunity.  It is our desire to intentionally and directly work alongside other churches in our community to take the message of Jesus out to meet people where they are.


God formed this ministry to serve our neighbors in the world because communities are in despearate need of God's love and grace, expressed and communicated through our active discipleship. Our connective tissue as congregations and communities is the gospel of Jesus Christ, and so in all that we do we strive to embody Christ through our media, our Ministry and Our message.  We are empowered to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in our communities and at large.  Please join us in carrying out God's vision for His people.



Our Vision

It is our focus to be a well-rounded and well-equipped ministry that grows the lives of those within the ministry and change the lives of those outside of the ministry.  Walking together and fully alive in Christ.  God's Voice is the only voice that matters.  We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do.  We desire the glory of the Lord; our plea is that God would lay His weight on us so that the world woud see His glory and know His love.


We are a ministry founded on Biblical principles.  We serve in the spirit of excellence with integrity and compassion.  We will reach the lost, minister to the broken and serve those in need with dignity and respect.  All we do and all that we are is For His Glory.  

Our Mission

Our mission is to be a ministry that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope in this world.  We want to introduce God's word and will, by being the hands and feet of Christ.  FHG strives to bring everyone from our community together to better know Jesus.  It is quite simply, go out, preach the gospel, love the broken, extend grace, and show the love of Jesus Christ.